Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

As I have said before, I felt like I went through a grieving process when I was told my only option was IVF. I was upset that I never had the chance to try anything else. I know many of my infertility friends struggled through every step and ended at IVF, and by no means do I want to suffer through disappointment and heartache for the next couple months/years. I just hoped that maybe on of the other steps might work for me.

When I had my HSG and found out my tubes were blocked I was devastated! I was mad at the world. I finally came to terms with what I had to do to have my family and I was willing to do anything.

I had an exploratory laparascopy this morning to assess endometriosis and take my tubes out. My doctor was 95% sure that they needed to come out so to not further damage my future fertility. Before I went under I had finally realized I would wake up with two less parts.

Upon waking up I kept asking the nurse if my tubes were gone and how bad the endometriosis. The nurse said the doctor talked to my husband and he would tell me when he came back. I asked how long it took and she said about an hour, and I had a feeling it was bad.

My husband met me back in the recovery room and broke the news. My endometriosis was very small and my tubes.........were SAVED! I had tears in my eyes but had to contain myself because of my pain.

I thank God for giving me a light at the end of the tunnel. I will get my chance to try IUI before the IVF, and I pray it works. If not, we will move to IVF like we previously planned. All that matters is that we get our miracle.

Thank you God, and thank you all my infertility friends! Without your support and words of encouragement this would be unbearable. I keep each of you in my thoughts a prayers daily!