Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bumpy Start

I just got home from spending a week in the hospital. It all started with right sided abdominal pain that got worse as the days past. I was sure it was an ectopic pregnancy, but was thrilled to find out it was just a huge cyst that was twisting and causing all the pain.

I was admitted to the hospital for pain management and draining of the cyst. Normally they would just do a laparoscopy and fix the problem, but because I was newly pregnant they said it was too risky. Instead they stick a needle in your abdomen all the way to your ovary and aspirate the fluid out. It was INCREDIBLY painful. I yelled, cried, and had to be held down. Unfortunately the first time wasn't enough to make it go down so they had to do it again :( The second time they got a lot of fluid out and the rest is draining into my abdomen and will eventually be reabsorbed.

The only good thing that came from this was that they found a gestation sac and yolk sac in my uterus. I will go in on Wednesday and hopefully see a heartbeat. I just hope this was the only big hurdle I will have to face this pregnancy

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